Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the E'lrum factory.

Export of Products

Export of E'lrum products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All E'lrum products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant E'lrum: belt machines, welding rotators, PE pipe insulation equipment, equipment for the production of polyethylene heat-shrinkable couplings
  • Conveyors, conveyors and roller shutters E'lrum
    Conveyors, conveyors and roller shutters
    Caterpillar-426, etc.
  • Transport trolleys E'lrum
    Transport trolleys
    Self - propelled , etc .
  • For the production of MTU E'lrum
    For the production of MTU
    PNM-1600, etc.
  • Equipment for PI-pipe in PU E'lrum
    Equipment for PI-pipe in PU
    End flanges, etc.
  • Metal structures E'lrum
    Metal structures
    Corners, brands, I-beams, etc.
  • Equipment for PPU PI pipes E'lrum
    Equipment for PPU PI pipes
    Cleaning chambers, etc.
  • Band Sawing machines E'lrum
    Band Sawing machines
    BO, SO, SR, RP, etc.
  • Welding rotators E'lrum
    Welding rotators
    For shaped products, etc.


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